
Your Privacy Rights, Patient Rights and Responsibilities, Compliance and Other Important Policies

As a hospital patient, you have specific rights and corresponding responsibilities.
Please review the following documents to learn more:

a familyLanguage Assistance

BCH provides free language assistance. Please click here to learn more about our language assistance services.

Our Limited English Proficiency policy is here.

Disability Services

Our Adaptive Equipment Services policy is here.

Medical Information Policies

We want you to understand how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. To learn more, click below:

Health Insurance

Boulder Community Health endeavors to provide broad access to medical services for residents of our community. As part of that commitment, we try to obtain contracts with a wide range of insurance companies and managed care organizations.

Please confirm the details of your coverage directly with your insurance company.

Compliance Policies

Colorado state law requires hospitals receiving Medicaid payments to have written policies for complying with specific federal and state laws related to Medicaid. Boulder Community Health's compliance policies are outlined in the links below:

Concerns about Quality or Safety

Boulder Community Health is committed to providing high quality, safe care for all patients. Should you have concerns about the quality or safety of your or a loved one’s care, please address it with the care team, nursing leadership or the Patient Representative. Should you have concerns about the quality or safety of your care that have not been resolved, it is your right to lodge a grievance with the Joint Commission or the State of Colorado directly, regardless of whether you have first used the hospital’s grievance process. Complaints may be filed with either of these agencies:

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, HFEMSD-C1
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, Colorado 80246-1530
For more information:
303-692-2827 or 1-800-886-7689, ext. 2827

In writing to: The Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
Mail: One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181
Fax: 630-792-5636

Use of BCH Social Media Guidelines

Boulder Community Health Social Media Policy

Para ver nuestra póliza sobre los medios sociales es español, haga clic aquí.

Boulder Community Health (BCH) encourages others to post and comment on our social media pages. At BCH, we are committed to free speech and encourage you to share your thoughts and views on our social media pages; however, we reserve the right to moderate all submissions to ensure they meet our social media participation guidelines.

By accessing, viewing or posting content on any of the BCH social media sites, you are agreeing to the terms of use we’ve established in our participation policy.

Terms of Use

By posting or commenting on a BCH social media site, you agree that your content will not:

  • Violate any laws or regulations, including, but not limited to copyright and intellectual property laws
  • Contain any unlawful, disruptive or threatening material
  • Impersonate a person or entity
  • Falsely state or misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity
  • Contain any material that you do not have a right to make available under any law or due to contractual or fiduciary relationships
  • Contain any material that infringes on the patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or intellectual property of another
  • Transmit material containing viruses, worms, disabling code or any other programs that may potentially have a negative impact on the functionality of computer hardware or software

BCH reserves the right to edit, censor, delete or block any comments and posts at our discretion if we believe they contain any of the following:

  • Abusive, harassing, profane or defamatory language
  • Language that promotes hate, discrimination or racism
  • Unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, including spam
  • Off-topic content
  • Content that promotes a business or product unaffiliated with BCH
  • Content that may be construed as political lobbying, that links to the websites of political candidates or parties, or that takes a position on any legislation or law
  • Content regarding individuals and/or providers not employed by BCH
  • Any other content deemed inappropriate by the moderators of our social media pages

Posting of medical advice or medical commentary by non-BCH physicians on our social media sites is prohibited.

Assumption of Liability

By posting or commenting on a BCH social media page, you agree that the content is yours and that you have the right to post it. The views and opinions in your content are strictly yours and do not represent BCH in any way. We assume no liability for the information contained in your posts or comments, nor do we verify the accuracy of this information. BCH cannot be held responsible for any consequences or damages caused by your posts or comments.

BCH does not endorse any views, content, services or products contained in posts or comments on our social media pages that were made by individuals unaffiliated with BCH.


When you post content or comment on our social media platforms, you understand that these are public forums that anyone can view. In order to safeguard your privacy, you should avoid posting anything containing your protected health information. You should also avoid disclosing detailed, private information about yourself or your family members.

BCH cannot protect our social media platforms against all potential interceptions of private information by third parties, and we do not take responsibility for any health information that becomes compromised on our social media sites. By posting any private information, you are taking on the risk that this material may be compromised or viewed by parties unaffiliated with BCH.

Reproduction of Your Content

By posting or commenting on one of our social media sites, you grant BCH the right to reproduce, publish, distribute or display this content on any media.

BCH may disclose your posts or comments made on our social media sites in response to lawful requests by governmental agencies, court orders, warrants or subpoenas. If BCH takes these actions, we will have no liability to you for any consequences incurred.