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If your question was not featured below, please contact the Center for Interventional Psychiatry for more information.

Is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) FDA-approved?

TMS is FDA cleared for treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) for those who have failed to receive satisfactory improvement from prior antidepressant medication. BCH utilizes the MagVenture TMS Therapy system, which is also FDA-approved.

Does my insurance cover TMS treatment?

Conventional TMS treatment is covered by Medicare and ComPsych. The treatment is not covered by Medicaid or Medicare Advantage Plans. For questions about specific commercial insurance coverage, please consult with your insurance company.

If my commercial insurance does not cover TMS, is there another payment option?

BCH has partnered with MDsave to help you afford your out-of-pocket costs for certain procedures. With MDsave, you can save an average of 50% on your health care costs when you pay upfront compared to the national average. For TMS, there are separate vouchers for one treatment session, five treatments or Accelerated - 10 treatments.

Does TMS treat obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?

Currently, BCH’s TMS treatment is only for treatment-resistant depression. TMS has additional indications for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar depression, and non-treatment resistant depression.

Is TMS an alternative to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

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ECT is mostly used to treat severe depression but sometimes used to treat patients with manic illness or schizophrenia. ECT and TMS can be used separately by patients or in tandem against treatment resistant or medication resistant depression. Both ECT and TMS are options available at BCH’s Center for Interventional Psychiatry.

How do I submit a referral for TMS?

If you are under the care of a psychiatrist, your provider can submit a referral for you by calling BCH’s Center for Interventional Psychiatry at 303-415-8638. Referral by physician is the preferential method, but potential patients can also self-refer. If you receive the necessary approval for TMS from your psychiatrist, one of our behavioral health nurses will do an initial screening and provide procedure education.

Describe the self-referral process for TMS evaluation.

To see if TMS is right for you, contact Outpatient Behavioral Health Services for a phone evaluation. The first step is a brief 20-minute screening to discuss the patient’s history of therapy, medications, mental health diagnoses, etc. After the initial screening, there will then be an in-person assessment and approval from a BCH psychiatrist.

What are the risks of TMS treatment?

According to MagVenture, rare side effects include:

  • Seizures. These are more common in people who have epilepsy, have a history of seizures, or are already taking certain medicines that can trigger seizures. BCH has a full seizure protocol in place at Della Cava Medical Center, where the treatments are administered.
  • Experiencing periods of elation or irritability and high energy (mania). This is more common in people who have bipolar disorder.
  • Hearing loss. This can happen if you do not have good ear protection during treatment. BCH will take all proper precautions.

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