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Infectious Diseases

Specialized Expertise in Diagnosis and Treatment




BCH Team

The Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic and treatment services for patients with infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS. Our four board-certified physicians and one nurse practitioner provide specialty ID care.

Our goal is to provide the highest level of inpatient infectious disease services followed by a well-coordinated transition to outpatient care. During your hospital stay, we communicate directly with you, your primary care providers and the hospital staff directly providing your care.

We provide outpatient services to individuals over the age of 15 in Boulder and surrounding communities including Longmont, Louisville, Lafayette, Westminster, Arvada, Ft. Collins and Loveland.

To learn more about the services offered at the Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases or to schedule an appointment, please call (303) 415-8850. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Beacon Center Medical Staff

BCH staff Pictured from left to right: Heather Pujet MD; Mark D. King MD; Amie Lynne Meditz MD; Todd David Turner MD; Alicia E. Maltzman FNP, RN

Conditions We Treat

Note: Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases does not manage chronic fatigue syndrome, toxic mold exposure and Morgellons. We follow CDC guidelines for management of Lyme Disease.

  • Bone and Joint Infections: The majority of bone infections are caused by bacteria. A bone or joint can get infected if there are bacteria in the blood or nearby tissues. Infections can also be a complication of an injury, surgery or chronic wounds. Treatment of bone and joint infections typically requires the removal of infected tissues and bone by the surgical team followed by prolonged antibiotics.
  • Surgical Site Infections: A surgical site infection can involve the skin, organs or implanted material. The doctors at Beacon Center manage individual cases of infection and consult with BCH surgeons regularly to improve patient safety by employing system-wide infection control measures. Learn more.
  • HIV/AIDS: The Beacon Center has been providing compassionate care to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families since 1995. Since January 2004, we have received funding from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program. We care for more than 300 patients from Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Larimer and Weld counties. Through cutting edge HIV treatment, comprehensive primary care, case management and referral to specialists as needed, our providers help improve the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS. Learn more here and here.
  • Staph/MRSA infection: Staphylococcus aureus, commonly referred to as "staph," is a germ frequently found on many peoples’ skin. Sometimes this germ can cause serious infections, such as skin infections, pneumonia, surgical infections or bloodstream infections. MRSA is a type of staph that has more limited antibiotic options and is more common in people recently hospitalized or treated with antibiotics. The main way to prevent a staph infection is to wash your hands regularly, keep wounds clean, and avoid sharing personal items (towels, razors) with other people. Learn more.
  • HCV: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an infection that affects liver cells and can spread person to person through contact with blood. Many are unaware they have the virus and there are multiple new treatments for HCV that have high cure rates. We provide complete care for patients interested in HCV treatment. If you have risk factors such as unprotected sex, intravenous drug use or were born between 1945 and 1965, you should ask your primary care doctor to test you for HCV. Learn more.
  • Pneumonia: Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs that can cause coughing, fever, chest pain and shortness of breath. Pneumonia can be caused by infections such as bacteria, viruses and other germs. Vaccination can reduce the risk of certain forms of pneumonia and is recommended for patients at age 65 or older, for persons with underlying health problems and for smokers.
  • Clostridium difficile: Clostridium difficile (C-diff for short) is a bacterium that can be found in the environment and the human digestive system. The bacteria do not cause problems until they grow in abnormally large numbers in someone taking antibiotics or certain other medications. In that situation, C-diff can cause a severe diarrheal illness which can be potentially life-threatening. Learn more.
  • Outpatient Parenteral (IV) Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT): OPAT is a mechanism by which individuals who have stable infections requiring long-term IV antibiotics can receive therapy outside of the hospital in an infusion center, at home or in a skilled nursing facility.

Travel Medicine

people skiiingBefore traveling abroad, you should take special care to protect your health. The Worldwide Travel Medicine Clinic can provide the resources and accurate medical information you need to travel safely. When you visit our clinic, we will provide you with a personalized travel packet including information from a reputable database. Learn more by visiting our Travel Medicine service page.

The clinic is staffed by respected and experienced travel health professionals from the Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases.

Patient Forms

If possible, please complete the paperwork listed below prior to your visit to the Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases. If you are unable to complete prior, you can complete while you are waiting for your provider.

Patient Education Resources

Educational Handouts



Physician Resources

Please see the below links for important physician-related documents.

Antibiogram 2022

Antibiotic Stewardship Guidebook 2022

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BCH Worldwide Travel Medicine Questionnaire

If you are planning on travelling to another country, please fill out the following form prior to your visit. Information submitted in this form is securely stored following HIPPA compliance.

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