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Heart Failure Clinic

Congestive Heart failure (CHF) is a chronic condition that carries a survival rate of 50 percent within five years of diagnosis if not treated correctly. Led by board-certified heart failure specialist Dr. Scott Blois, our specialized heart failure clinic—the first in Boulder County—offers expertise with the latest treatment options that are leading to improved outcomes for patients.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Blois, please call 303-442-2395

BCH lecture: Recognizing and treating heart failure

Jean's Story: Mending a Failing Heart

Our CHF Services

  • Consultation with Dr. Blois to diagnose your specific condition
  • One-on-one education with Dr. Blois
  • Diagnostic testing - echocardiogram, treadmill stress test
  • Treatment including medication management
  • Evaluation and referral for pacemaker, ventricular assist device (VAD), or heart transplant

Schedule a Consultation Today!

scott blois

Call 303-442-2395 or email to schedule a consultation with Scott Blois, MD.