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TAVR Procedure

deviceThe experts at Boulder Heart are the only cardiology program in Boulder County performing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) — a minimally-invasive, catheter-delivered procedure to replace damaged aortic valves to boost blood flow, allowing patients to enjoy longer lives and a return to favorite activities.

TAVR is an FDA-approved procedure that is a good option for patients diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis (narrowing of the aortic valve). In August 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) significantly expanded the number of patients diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis who can receive TAVR.

The new FDA ruling means that younger and more active patients, as well as those whose age or physical condition disqualify them from having open heart surgery, are eligible for TAVR.

Please call Boulder Heart at 303-442-2395 to schedule
an appointment for a screening today.

According to BCH cardiologist Dr. Srinivas Iyengar, the benefits are clear: “With TAVR, a patient’s diseased aortic valve is replaced with a new valve through a minimally invasive procedure that usually takes less than an hour. Recovery is quicker and there’s less chance of a disabling stroke. By comparison, open heart surgery is a major procedure with a much longer recovery period.”

The structural heart and valve program at BCH's Boulder Heart is the only cardiology program in Boulder County performing TAVR. Drs. Iyengar and Daniel O’Hair have performed more than 1,500 successful TAVR procedures, more than any other team in Colorado.

Evolut™ FX+ transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) system

Boulder Heart is proud to offer the latest advanced technologies. In June 2024, BCH treated its first patient using the Evolut™ FX+ transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) system. Foothills Hospital was the first facility in Colorado (full market release) and a four-state region to offer this latest technology to treat symptomatic severe aortic stenosis (ssAS) for patients across all risk categories (extreme, high, intermediate and low).

The newest iteration of the Evolut TAVR system offers larger coronary access windows through a modified diamond-shaped frame design, which is four times larger than previous iterations of the Evolut TAVR system. The Evolut FX+ system provides increased space designed for catheter maneuverability to facilitate access to the coronary arteries of varying patient anatomies. Additionally, the modern design maintains the valve performance, excellent hemodynamics and radial strength that clinicians expect from the Evolut platform.

    BCH was also at the forefront of transformation in Oct. 2022 when our Structural Heart team launched the Medtronic Evolut™ FX transcatheter aortic valve system – which at the time was the newest, innovative technology available for symptomatic severe aortic stenosis patients across all risk categories.

      Dr. Iyengar, a highly experienced interventional cardiologist who has successfully performed more than 400 TAVR procedures, trained at the institution where TAVR was introduced to the United States, while Dr. O’Hair teaches other cardiologists around the world how to perform TAVR. All patients are carefully assessed by our expert team to determine which aortic procedure is best for each individual patient.

      What is TAVR?

      TAVR is a minimally-invasive procedure to replace damaged aortic valves to boost blood flow, allowing patients to enjoy longer lives and return to favorite activities.

      Somewhat like a stent placed in an artery, the TAVR procedure uses a catheter to place a sophisticated bio-prosthetic valve inside the patient's own valve. The replacement valve widens the valve opening and takes over the job of regulating blood flow. Most TAVR patients can return home after a day or two in the hospital.

      TAVR is performed by an interventional cardiologist-led team in a specialized operating room at Foothills Hospital that's equipped with advanced imaging equipment.

      Who Does TAVR Help?

      The FDA has approved TAVR for patients with severe aortic stenosis who have been carefully assessed by a medical team.

      In the United States alone, more than 270,000 people are diagnosed annually with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis. Aortic stenosis – which occurs when the aortic valve leaflets become stiff and thickened and have difficulty opening and closing, making the heart work harder to pump blood to the rest of the body. If left untreated, 50% of patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis can die from heart failure in as little as two years. Patients turn to TAVR - a minimally invasive, catheter-delivered procedure - to boost blood flow, allowing patients greater quality of life and return to their favorite activities. TAVR is available for younger and active patients and those whose age or physical condition disqualifies them from open heart surgery.

      This minimally-invasive, catheter-delivered procedure is a standard of treatment now available to patients in all risk categories. Common TAVR candidates include individuals in their 70s or 80s or people with other conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

      Why Choose Foothills Hospital and Boulder Heart?

      Our TAVR program is led by Dr. Srinivas Iyengar, a highly experienced interventional cardiologist who has successfully performed more than 400 TAVR procedures and trained in the institution where TAVR was introduced to the U.S. Together with Dr. Daniel O'Hair, a global proctor who teaches other cardiologists how to perform TAVR, our TAVR team is the most experienced in Colorado, with over 1,000 TAVR procedures combined.

      Our multidisciplinary TAVR team includes some of our region’s most experienced electrophysiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons. All patients are carefully assessed by our expert team to determine which aortic procedure is best for each individual.

      Contact Boulder Heart at BCH Today

      To learn more about TAVR or make an appointment, please call 303-442-2395. Boulder Community Health hosts the only program in Boulder County approved to conduct TAVR procedures. We offer a full range of cardiology services at our four Boulder Heart clinics, conveniently located across Boulder County in Boulder, Erie, Lafayette and Longmont.

      In the News:

      TAVR Patient: Shirley's Story
      "Now I have the feeling that it's really good to be alive."
      Read Shirley’s TAVR patient story here.