BCH Lecture: Latest Treatments For a Leaky Bladder 11/14/22
- Category: Women's Health

It doesn’t take much to trigger a leaky bladder — simply exercising, sneezing, laughing or coughing can cause embarrassing urine leakage. This condition, called stress incontinence, is all too common and can strike at any age. In fit young women, weakened pelvic floor muscles are often the culprit. For postmenopausal women, pelvic organ prolapse — a condition linked to childbirth — can be the cause.
Hear gynecologist Dr. Jeremiah McNamara describe new and effective treatments for these frustrating and uncomfortable conditions, including non-surgical and surgical options.
Also, learn about relief from prolapse and pelvic floor problems.
Click here to view/download a PDF of slides shown during this lecture.