Join Us for Recovery in the Outdoors | BCH PILLAR Program and Boulder OSMP
- Category: Substance Abuse

Get to know Brian Klink & Jim Veraldi, peer facilitators of the Nature & Recovery Series, hosted on City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks (OSMP) lands and sponsored by the Boulder Community Health (BCH) PILLAR Program.
This short video will introduce you to Brain and Jim, as well as OSMP staff member David Ford, to inform you on what to expect when joining one of these events. These gatherings are meant to create safe, non-judgmental spaces where you can find community and support around a sober lifestyle.
We hope this video inspires you to join this group, especially if you don’t identify as an outdoors person! All fitness levels are encouraged and we require that participants be clear-headed for at least 12 hours prior to the meeting time.