BCH Pillar: Virtual Recovery Stories 6/30/21
- Category: Substance Abuse

The BCH PILLAR Program has created Virtual Recovery Stories, a monthly online support session featuring personal stories of recovery that inspire hope, provide proof that recovery is possible, and showcase how sobriety can allow people to thrive each day. Virtual Recovery Stories meets on the last Wednesday of every month at 12 p.m. Please join us at bch.org/recoverystories
This month, we welcome motivational speaker, peer coach and person in recovery, Rob Lohman! Rob has been through the wringer AND keeps bouncing back. His rap sheet includes alcohol and drug addiction, gambling addiction, divorce, bankruptcies, mental health struggles, including suicidal ideation, prison, recovery, and transformation. Rob’s drinking career started at age 14 which lead to some very dark places in his life. The climax happened on June 7, 2001, with a suicide attempt interrupted by the compassion of his dog Jake.
Upon a divine intervention, Rob was freed from his substance abuse addiction which began a rollercoaster ride in recovery and Rob has yet to take another drink or drug since that day. He now invests in the lives of those wanting to see positive change, whether it is coming out of addiction, prison or just wanting more for their lives. He is a dynamic speaker and shares an extremely powerful journey of persistence, faith, and inspiration.
If you are a person in recovery and would like to share your story, please reach out to Program Coordinator, Amanda Wroblewski, at awroblewski@bch.org.