Ask An Expert: How Can I Turn Anxiety into My Superpower? 3/16/23
- Category: Substance Abuse

We are aware of the immense struggles around mental health issues that a lot of teens and adults are dealing with. Often mental health symptoms such as anxiety and depression get in the way of learning and of participating fully in life. We want to coach teens and adults in helping them understand that these symptoms are natural reactions to stress and overwhelm and that there are ways in channeling this energy in productive ways. If you are curious to understand the neuroscience of anxiety more and want to learn ways to support kids, teen and/or yourself, then this event is for you.
Speaker: Avani G. Dilger, MEd, MA, LPC, BC-DMT, CAS, AAT, ADS-RT - Avani is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Addiction Specialist, a Somatic Psychotherapist, an Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist and AcuDetox Trainer, and a Motivational Interviewing Trainer, who specializes in substance abuse prevention and treatment with adults, teens and their families. Avani is the founder and executive director of the “Natural Highs – Healthy Alternatives to Drugs & Alcohol” nonprofit program and works as a substance abuse counselor with teens, families, and adults in Boulder.
This event is brought to you through a partnership between Boulder Community Health’s PILLAR Program and “Natural Highs – Healthy Alternatives to Drugs & Alcohol” Nonprofit Program.
Click here for an Anxiety into Superpower handout.
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