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Kicking off the new Volunteer Services Advisory Committee

Kicking off the new Volunteer Services Advisory Committee

Boulder Community Health is proud to announce the creation of our first ever Volunteer Services Advisory Committee. This focused group of volunteers will invest their time strengthening our Volunteer Services program and ensuring efficiency and a positive experience for participants, patients and families. We are honored to have over seven areas of our health system represented in our first cohort and look forward to harnessing the power of our community to enhance and support the mission and vision of BCH.volunteer numbers graphic

BCH volunteers are an integral part of supporting BCH staff and delivering compassionate care and service to our community. This new committee will focus their efforts on supporting the Volunteer Services Department by:

  • Improving the volunteer experience.
  • Acting as an advisory council for the department.
  • Developing or changing policy, processes and procedures that affect volunteers.
  • Enhancing volunteer appreciation.
  • Increasing recruitment and retention.

About Volunteer Services

Anyone over the age of 15 can choose to work as a volunteer with patients or in a non-clinical environment. We offer positions in direct patient care providing infant hearing assessments, aiding our surgical teams and medical unit staff, and working with physical therapy patients. We also provide assignments in administrative roles performing office or computer work, gift shop duties, and family support.

Whether giving back through volunteering or on the Volunteer Services Advisory Committee, this is what our volunteers had to say about their experience: