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Meet our newest breast-focused surgeons

Meet our newest breast-focused surgeons

We are pleased to welcome to BCH’s medical staff Drs. Katrina Oyague and Gerlinde Tynan, board-certified general surgeons specializing in the full spectrum of breast cancer care. They join BCH’s team of other breast-focused surgeons: Drs. Akin Beckley, Richard Fox and Susan Hagen.

Areas of a breast cancer surgeon’s expertise include lumpectomies, also called breast-sparing surgery, and mastectomies, including skin and nipple-sparing surgeries. Our breast-focused surgeons also perform preventive/prophylactic mastectomy for patients high-risk of developing breast cancer (BRCA1 or BRACA2 gene mutation). breast cancer surgeons

Better outcomes with a breast-focused surgeon

Since breast cancer treatment often begins with surgery, surgical outcomes pave the way for the best possible outcomes from cancer treatment. This is why it’s so important to choose a highly qualified and experienced surgeon who specializes in breast cancer surgery.

Research shows that breast cancer patients have a better prognosis (outcome) when their surgery is performed by a physician with a high volume of breast cancer surgeries.

Our specialized breast-focused surgeons perform hundreds of breast cancer surgeries every year. With years of training and education focused on breast disease, they have an in-depth knowledge of cancer biology, genetics and the most advanced surgical options to help breast cancer patients obtain the best possible outcomes.

Multidisciplinary breast cancer experts for personalized treatment plans

Together, Boulder Community Health and Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers are fully accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPB). This accreditation means we have the structure and resources to provide the highest level of breast cancer treatment and services.

Each week, our multidisciplinary team of breast-focused experts — breast-focused medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, breast-focused surgeons, plastic and reconstruction surgeons, physical therapists and our breast cancer nurse navigator — meet to review every newly diagnosed breast cancer patient. Together, they combine their collective expertise and craft custom-tailored treatments for your individual needs, taking into account your goals and personal preferences.

A whole-person approach to breast cancer care

We know that treating breast cancer is more than treating the disease with state-of-the-art medicine — that the well-being of patients must meet both their physical and emotional needs during every phase of care.

What does this approach to care mean for you?

  • Complementary therapies at our Center for Integrative Care such
    as Reiki, acupuncture, oncology massage and meditation sound bath
  • Exercise and yoga classes to help manage cancer both mentally and physically
  • Physical therapists trained in breast cancer rehabilitation and lymphedema management
  • Nutrition and self-care workshops
  • Support groups and social workers for emotional help
  • BCH Foundation funds to support economically vulnerable patients
  • A nurse navigator to coordinate your care, provide emotional support, and connect you to physical therapy, support groups and complementary therapies.

Contact our breast cancer nurse navigator at 303-415-7057, or visit to learn more.