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BCH Foundation calls for Letters of Inquiry for 2025 Funding

  • Category: General, Foundation
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  • Written By: Boulder Community Health
BCH Foundation calls for Letters of Inquiry for 2025 Funding
Grants between $10,000 and $100,000 will be awarded to community-based organizations aligned with BCH’s priority areas. Submission deadline: July 12, 2024

The collective vision for both BCH and the BCH Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is partnering to create and care for the healthiest community in the nation. In support of this vision, the BCH Foundation established the Community Collaboration Fund in 2018. Since then, the BCH Foundation has been investing in community organizations where there is direct programmatic partnership and strategic alignment with the BCH health care system.

Partnership priority areas
For the year 2025, the Community Collaboration Fund is focused on specifically supporting individuals experiencing compounding social and economic vulnerabilities and who are considered ‘complex patients.’ This includes patients with diverse health needs, encompassing physical, mental and psycho-social aspects, which may result in barriers to accessing care (multiple diagnoses, multiple medications, several points of care, etc.).

Successful LOIs will address one of the following priority areas:

  • Priority area #1: BCH recently opened a Geriatric Clinic in Boulder to complement the one that already existed in Longmont. With that, we are seeking to fund partnerships that support older adults with complex needs and support for aging in Boulder. Specifically, we are looking for partnerships that focus on:
  1. Chronic disease management
  2. Social connection, and
  3. Aging in place (“the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, interdependently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income or ability”)
  • Priority area #2: BCH will be opening a Level 3.7 Medically Monitored High-Intensity inpatient substance withdrawal management unit in the coming months. Therefore, we are seeking community partners to address mental and behavioral health, specific to the treatment and support of substance use disorders.

  • Priority area #3: We know that the health of our patients is deeply impacted by an individual’s ability to access the right care at the right time. That’s why we’re focused on partnerships offering expanded access to services that directly impact health outcomes. More specifically:
  1. Direct referrals to address housing and food insecurity
  2. Support for individuals not enrolled in health insurance and benefits plans, and
  3. Preventative and/or specialized health services for uninsured patients and/or those on Medicaid and support where gaps in care and coverage exist (e.g., at-home care, respite care, nutrition and physical activity, transportation/mobility, language and translation services, etc.).

Please note: Organizations able to site recent statistics regarding local needs will be prioritized for funding.

LOI submission
To be invited to apply for Community Collaboration Funding, organizations must first submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) by Friday July 12, 2024, at 5 p.m. through the BCH Foundation’s Submittable grants management platform. Download 2025LOI for instructions and required submission components.

Organizations will receive a notice of declination or invitation to apply by Aug. 5, 2024.