Candidates Weigh in on Mental Health

Candidates Weigh in on Mental Health

A Candidates Forum on Mental Health scheduled for April 4 was canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. Its purpose was to give candidates running in the June 30 primary an opportunity to share their thoughts on critical topics around mental health. The forum’s sponsors have created a virtual forum by sending Boulder County commissioner and legislative candidates a list of questions. Eight of those invited to complete the questions responded – their answers are in the pdf linked below.

We want to thank the forum sponsors for their creative approach to voter education -- the National Alliance of Mental Health (NAMI), Mental Health Partners, Boulder Community Health, Interfaith Network of Mental Illness, HOPE Coalition, Boulder Rotary Club and Boulder Valley Rotary Club.

Download this pdf to view the candidates’ verbatim answers to several hot-button mental health questions.

Boulder County commissioner candidates:

Colorado state house district candidates:

Lafayette city council candidate: