Managing Chronic Pain Without Opioids: Free Health Lecture

Managing Chronic Pain Without Opioids: Free Health Lecture

Mind body medicine has been growing in popularity. When used to treat severe chronic pain from a variety of hard-to-treat medical conditions, this form of medicine empowers patients with tools to eliminate or significantly alleviate their symptoms — and reduce their need for opioid pain medication.

Come hear Bradley Fanestil, MD, director of BCH’s new Center for Mind Body Medicine. He’ll describe exciting developments in neuroscience that are leading to a new understanding of how the brain works and providing a non-opioid alternative for relieving severe chronic pain.

  • When Monday, July 29, from 7 to 8 p.m.
  • Where Boulder Jewish Community Center, 6007 Oreg Avenue
  • RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: • 303-415-4212