November's Walk with a Doc | Brain Health

November's Walk with a Doc | Brain Health

Over 90 people came out for last Saturday’s Walk with a Doc, enjoying a crisp sunny morning’s walk around the lake at Harlow Platts Park—just before the big snowstorm settled in.

In honor of Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month in November, neurologist Dr. Alan Zacharias of Associated Neurologists described documented benefits of walking for protecting and maintaining a healthy brain.

Dr. Zacharias shared recent neurological research with our dedicated group of walkers. For instance, he mentioned study results like the ones recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which showed that even a ten-minute session of walking or riding a stationary bicycle may be good for the brain.

group of people at parkSpecifically, researchers found that brief sessions of mild exercise can immediately affect how certain areas of the brain communicate and coordinate with each other and noticeably improve memory function. Read more on the findings here.

Please come out for the next Walk on Saturday, December 8 at Tom Watson Park/Coot Lake (6180 63rd Street in northeast Boulder) from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Cardiologist Dr. Nelson Trujillo of Boulder Heart will discuss “Walking, Mood and Food: Exploring the Connection.” Get the schedule and details: