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Dr. Amie Meditz on Safe and Appropriate Antibiotic Use

Dr. Amie Meditz, an infectious disease specialist at BCH, recently chatted with Denver Channel 7's Nicole Brady about safe antibiotic use.

According to the Center for Disease Control, prescribing the right antibiotic at the right time, in the right dose, and for the right duration can help prevent antibiotic resistance, protects patients from unnecessary side effects and helps ensure these life-saving medicines will be available for future generations.

Explains Dr. Meditz: "The majority of infections that we experience in day to day life such as colds, influenza, sore throats, sinus infections, coughs and bronchitis are mostly due to viruses, so it's actually a rare instance that you need an antibiotic."

Dr. Meditz also explains that should your doctor determine you need an antibiotic, it is important to use the most focused antibiotic needed for your infection so that the potential for bacterial resistance is minimized.

For more information on BCH's program to ensure safe antibiotic use, click here. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Meditz, call the Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases at 303-415-8850.

dr. meditz