BCH Midwife Care Helped Us Avoid a Cesarean
- Category: General, Maternity Care
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- Written By: Boulder Community Health
It's always wonderful to hear from patients who've had a great experience with BCH care providers and facilities. And when the feedback includes a healthy and happy birth story, it's somehow even better! Please read on for Dylan's birth story, recently shared by her parents, Micah and Georgia.
"In the midst of labor, my wife Georgia and I were transferred to Foothills Hospital from the local birth center. We received great care for our entire visit, but our experience in the delivery room in the care of midwife Paige Swales was truly extraordinary.
We had been having a long and rough labor. Georgia was not progressing at a fast enough rate to be able to deliver without some intervention, which is why we were transferred. After the introduction of an epidural at the hospital, we were able to get some much-needed rest and resume our delivery attempts.
Paige recognized that our daughter was asynclitic (meaning her head was tilted so that the top of it wasn't centered on the cervix) and needed to be turned. She told us she would try her best for a couple of hours to get her aligned properly, but if that was not successful, we would need a cesarean. Paige used a variety of techniques aimed at helping babies move into a better position for delivery -- successfully! Soon enough, our daughter had turned into the position needed to be able to be born without surgery.
Georgia and I fully credit Paige’s efforts, her demeanor, and her expertise with allowing us to deliver our baby without a C-section, and will be forever grateful to her. She saved us a major intervention that we are so happy to have avoided, and allowed us to begin life as a family of three in a much better state. We cannot overstate how much we feel that Paige was critical to this experience and how thankful we are to have been in her care. She is an amazing asset to Boulder Community Health and we just wanted to convey our gratitude."
To learn more about midwife care at BCH, visit: bch.org/midwife