BCH's Rooftop Garden Produces Fresh Vegetables for Cafe
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You often hear health providers touting the benefits of eating locally-grown produce.
But BCH's Foothills Hospital takes it to higher level with it's very own rooftop garden.
This week, Clinical Nutrition manager Leisa Norman (pictured left) picked some heart-healthy lettuce greens from the rooftop garden - located directly above BCH's heart wellness program.
BCH's Chef Mike Alvarez turned this week's harvest into a garden vegetable chopped salad with a shallot vinaigrette for the hospital's colorful salad bar.
The rooftop garden yields a harvest of fresh snap peas, carrots, baby kale, zucchini, green beans, lettuce greens and more -- healthy bounty used downstairs in the hospital cafe.
BCH chefs incorporate the hyper-locally grown produce into delicious meals for BCH employees, community members and friends and family of patients.
Having a rooftop garden atop a hospital has its challenges. The rooftop location and direct Colorado sun elevates the garden temperature, and the wind can be harsh and cruel. BCH even hired a professional landscaper to maintain the garden.
But BCH Food Service Director Tom Ingalls says the challenges are worth it in the end for locally-grown, fresh and healthy produce in the cafe.
Healthy, seasonal and delicious food is important to Boulder Community Health. Read about BCH's new Chef Series menu with inspiring menu choices for inpatients.