In 2018, the BCH Foundation committed to supporting the new vision statement for BCH, partnering to create and care for the healthiest community in the nation. Since then, the Foundation has expanded its Community Collaboration fund, which distributes grant funds to community-based organizations for direct programmatic partnerships with BCH.
In 2024, the Foundation launched its first ever competitive funding cycle, and awarded almost $300,000 to nine community-based organizations for 2025:
Check back for an announcement for the next funding cycle this Summer, in early June, 2025
Partnering to: Co-case manage and support unhoused patients who are highly medically
vulnerable to access housing solutions more rapidly.
Amount Awarded: $33,750
BCH Champion: Raquel Gordy, Case Management
Partnering to: Support pediatric victims of sexual assault and abuse with trauma informed
care and specialized nurse examinations.
Amount Awarded: $30,000
BCH Champion: Lisa Allen, RN, Trauma & Emergency Services
Partnering to: Cultivate more opportunities and spaces to support people with Substance
Use Disorders to find community and maintain sobriety.
Amount Awarded: $10,000
BCH Champion: Amanda Wroblewski & Taylor Bister, PILLAR Program & Behavioral Health
Partnering to: Support the BCH Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases in the prevention
of and testing for individuals at a higher risk for contracting HIV.
Amount Awarded: $46,000
BCH Champion: Ellen Tucker, Beacon Center for Infectious Disease
Partnering to: Support BCH patients with lifestyle changes and accessing more fruit and
Amount Awarded: $40,000
BCH Champion: Gina DeNucci, RN, Boulder Heart
Partnering to: Support older adult patients living independently with community case
management and resource connection.
Amount Awarded: $27,250
BCH Champion: Lucinda Lees, Geriatric Medicine
Partnering to: Provide families who experience a premature birth with ongoing support
both in the BCH Family Birth Center and in the community.
Amount Awarded: $20,000
BCH Champion: Lisa Allen, RN, Family Birth Center
Partnering to: Support patients with Medically Tailored Meal delivery post-discharge.
Amount Awarded: $75,000
BCH Champion: Raquel Gordy, Case Management
Partnering to: Better connect Primary Care Practitioners and Specialists to the Palliative
Care services, to better align patient care with desired quality of life.
Amount Awarded: $10,000
BCH Champion: Melissa Fuller, RN, Palliative Care Team & Alyssa Carlson, MD, Medical
Director of Ambulatory Services
A BCH Champion is a member of the BCH care team who is invested in the organization and inspires those around them to think outside the box when it comes to caring for our patients and colleagues.
We recognize that being a champion often requires additional effort and engagement above and beyond an employee’s job scope, and a Champion sees the Foundation as a partner and tool for accelerated innovation and optimization in their service area. Many of the additional supports offered to patients beyond the high-quality health care they receive at BCH are made possible by our Champions.