Board of Trustees - 2025
David M. Gross, PhD, MBA, is a Teaching Professor of Finance and Associate Chair of the Finance Division at the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado at Boulder. This is his thirtieth year at the Leeds School.
Prof. Gross was born and raised in New York City. He holds a BA in Economics from New York University. After a stint as a derivatives trader in New York, he earned his MBA with a concentration in Finance from Fordham University. In 2002, he earned his PhD in Financial Economics from the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado at Boulder. His research work was in market structure, information asymmetry and price formation. His work examined the ability of market procedures to assimilate exogenous information shocks. Prof. Gross teaches a wide variety of finance courses in both the undergraduate and masters’ programs at Leeds. He started teaching part-time at the Leeds School in 1996 and has been teaching full-time since 2002. As Associate Chair, his responsibilities include administrative and pedagogical management of all aspects of the undergraduate and masters’ level teaching mission of the Finance Division at the Leeds School.
Outside of his work at CU Boulder, Prof. Gross is a director of CollegeInvest, Colorado’s 529 college and post-secondary education savings program. He is the former President and Treasurer of the Boulder’s Dairy Arts Center. He is a former partner at Social Venture Partners of Boulder County through which he provided financial consulting and seminars in financial management to Boulder County non-profits. He is a former member of the Foothills United Way Investment Advisory Committee and is the past Treasurer and Director of Boulder Valley Heath Center (nee Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center) a Boulder-based non-profit medical clinic. He provides financial consulting to the City of Boulder and consults in the areas of investment risk and business risk.
Prof. Gross is married with two children. He met his wife here in Boulder when they were both graduate students. She teaches economics at the University of Colorado. They have a child in college and a child in high school. Among other things, the family enjoys outdoor activities, music, and cooking