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Oncology Nutrition Workshops -- Online Virtual Meetings

  • Categories: Virtual Event, Support Group, Cancer

About This Event

  • Event Type:Support Groups

To support your health and well-being we are offering bi-weekly nutrition webinars including live cooking demonstrations with nutritionist Conner Middelmann.

The FREE presentations are offered via video conference (Zoom). You can use a computer, laptop or smartphone to log in. All webinars run from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Mountain Time.

Please use the green registration button to sign up. Once registered, you will be sent the Zoom link & password.

  • June 24: Immune Tune-Up: We need a well-functioning immune system, not only to keep viruses and bacteria at bay, but also to support cancer treatments and create a biological terrain that’s hostile to cancer cells. Join Conner to learn about the foods and lifestyle habits that support immune health and help tame systemic inflammation.
  • July 15: How to Eat When You Have Cancer: While eating specific foods or diets can’t treat or prevent cancer, a nutritious diet is associated with a reduced risk of developing the disease or experiencing a recurrence, as well as supporting your well-being through treatment. We will discuss dietary patterns and nutrients that can help our bodies fight cancer and the foods that supply them.
  • July 29: Health Starts in the Gut: To optimally nourish your body, you need to be able to digest your food and absorb the nutrients in it. Moreover, the bacteria in your gut may support your body’s ability to fight cancer and overall health, so it’s important to nourish these, too. Learn more about gut health at this webinar.
  • August 12: Protein Power: People undergoing cancer treatment need to consume protein to help them maintain muscle, protect against weight loss, and support healthy immune function. Join this class to learn how much protein you need and which foods supply it
  • August 26: Fantastic Fats: Healthy fats are a key feature of the traditional Mediterranean diet. We’ll look at the role dietary fats play in human health – especially in the context of cancer – and discuss which fats we need to thrive, and which may be detrimental to our health.
  • September 16: Carbs, Sugar & Cancer: Sugar and refined starches may contribute to a biological environment where cancer cells thrive. That doesn’t mean, however, that all carbohydrates are bad. Learn about the different types of carbs, how they may affect your biology, and how easy it is to eat tasty, nourishing carbs. Also: keto sweeteners & cravings.
  • September 30: Eating through Chemo: From nausea to constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and taste changes, chemotherapy can throw your eating habits off-kilter. At this webinar, Conner will suggest ways to relieve the digestive side effects of cancer treatment and show you some simple, comforting dishes.
  • October 14: How to Gain Weight: Unintended weight loss is a common side-effect of cancer treatment. We look at the risks of being underweight and discuss strategies for preventing weight loss and regaining weight.
  • October 28: Let’s Talk About Body Fat: Some people carry a large amount of body fat, yet are healthy. In others, even a modest amount of body fat is associated with an increased risk of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Find out what drives body fat storage, how body fat and cancer might be connected, and how to help your body burn its fat stores (without dieting).
  • November 11: True or False?: Do sugar, red meat, dairy or soy cause cancer? Should you eat a vegan, keto, alkaline, or raw-food diet? Juicing – yes, or no? This workshop will review the science behind these claims and clear up some of the confusion.
  • November 18: Boost Your Brain Taught Jointly with Karen Brady: People undergoing cancer treatment sometimes experience thinking and memory problems referred to as “chemo brain.” Join Conner and Karen Brady, Cognitive Rehabilitation Specialist at BCH, as they discuss practical ways to boost your brain with simple behaviors and delicious foods.
  • December 9: Feeding & Exercising Your Bones Taught Jointly with Brandy Whitney: Cancer and its treatments are major risk factors for bone loss and fractures, so come and learn about diet, exercise, and lifestyle measures to strengthen your skeleton. At this webinar, Conner is joined by BCH’s oncology board-certified PT Brandy Whitney.
  • December 16: Immune Tune-Up: We need a well-functioning immune system to keep viruses and bacteria at bay and support cancer treatments and create a biological terrain that’s hostile to cancer cells. Join Conner to learn about the foods and lifestyle habits that support immune health and help tame systemic inflammation.

Each workshop comprises a roughly 40-minute presentation followed by a live cooking demonstration. Everyone who registers will be sent a recording of the session, Conner’s PowerPoint slides and her recipes – even if you weren’t able to attend in person.

Facilitator: Conner Middelmann, nutritionist and 22-year cancer survivor is a passionate advocate of eating whole foods that aren't just healthy, but delicious, too. With her joyful and practical approach to nutrition – anchored in the Mediterranean diet – she will show you simple, tasty and affordable ways to boost your nutritional health.

Find out more about Conner on

Inquiries: Email

  • Price: Free
  • Registration Instructions: Please register via the green button above. You will receive the Zoom link in your email to attend the class.