Walk With a Doc
Boulder Community Health’s highest priority is to ensure we do everything within our control to maintain the safety of our patients, staff and the overall community. This requires us to take every opportunity to contain, control and reduce the impact of the COVID-19 virus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), limiting public gatherings is a very effective tool for slowing the spread of COVID-19. We are following that CDC recommendation and cancelling all non-essential public gatherings intended for community members. This is effective immediately and includes Walk with a Doc. We will update this page when walks resume.
In the meantime, we encourage you to get out and walk on your own as frequently as possible. As a reminder, just 15 minutes of walking a day has many health benefits and can help prevent disease!
We also encourage you to join us for our Virtual Wellness Series, Be Well Saturdays. BCH Community Outreach Coordinator and host Gina Simmering, RN and guests will share a variety of tips on how to stay active, eat healthy and be well from BCH physicians and some of our wonderful community partners. Look for new episodes on the second Saturday of each month throughout the summer via email. To sign up to receive BCH emails including our Be Well Saturdays series, visit bch.org/signup.
Watch Our First Two Episodes Here:
June 2020
In this episode:
- BCH cardiologist and Walk with a Doc leader Dr. Nelson Trujillo discusses the concept of “recovery”during the current stage of COVID-19 in our community.
- City of Boulder Parks and Rec Fitness Program Coordinator Kate Houlik guides us through a series of stretches designed to combat the fatigue that comes from too much sitting.
- Learn about immune system-boosting foods from Natural Grocer’s Nutritional Health Coach Diane Strassberg.
- Hear tips from Open Space and Mountain Parks Recreation Coordinator David Ford on staying safe while enjoying our beautiful mountain trails.
July 2020
In this episode:
- BCH cardiologist and Walk with a Doc leader Dr. Nelson Trujillo discusses how you can develop resiliency through exercise.
- City of Boulder Parks and Rec Fitness Program Coordinator Kate Houlik guides us through three simple exercises for a strong core and back.
- Learn about nutrition for stress support from Natural Grocer’s Nutritional Health Coach Diane Strassberg.
- Hear Open Space and Mountain Parks Recreation Coordinator David Ford discuss meditation on the trails.
Walk With a Doc
Free Community Events Celebrating the Health Benefits of Walking
Join Boulder Community Health, the City of Boulder and Town of Superior Parks and Recreation for monthly 'Walk with a Doc' events and take steps toward better health!
These fun, free walking events show how easy it is to get 30 minutes of exercise a day and prevent disease. They're also a great way to get out, get active, enjoy good conversation, and learn top healthy-lifestyle tips from our physicians. You can walk at your own pace and choose your distance. It's all part of BCH's vision to `partner to create and care for the healthiest community in the nation.'
Lead Physician: Dr. Nelson Trujillo, board-certified cardiologist at Boulder Community Health
Did you know? Walking can:
- Reduce blood pressure
- Lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad" cholesterol)
- Manage your weight
- Improve your mood
- Strengthen your heart, lungs and bones
At Walk with a Doc events, you will:
- Learn about a current health topic
- Walk and talk with a local doc
- Free blood pressure checks
- Free giveaways
- Free refreshments
More Walking Events Offered by City of Boulder:
For a list of nature programs and hikes sponsored by City of Boulder Open Space Mountain Parks click here.
For a list of local walks available through the City's Boulder Walks program, click here.
Walk with a Doc in the News
Listen to an interview with Lead Physician Dr. Nelson Trujillo and Program Coordinator Gina Simmering on KGNU here.
Read Boulder Daily Camera's profile of our successful 'Walk with a Doc' program here.
Read BizWest's story on 'Walk with a Doc' here.
Contact: Call BCH's Gina Simmering at 303-618-2838 or email gsimmering@bch.org.