Foothills Hospital Emergency Department

  • Office Name: 1
  • Category: Emergency Department

About This Location

Self-Park: Garage and Surface-Level Lots

Free parking is available in the surface parking lot directly in front of the hospital.

Free parking also is available in two parking garages: a five-level garage on the Foothills Medical Campus, entrance on the west side of 48th St, and a five-level garage in the new Della Cava Family Medical Pavilion located at 4801 Riverbend Rd across from the Foothills Medical Campus.

Click here for a PDF map of Foothills Campus.

Psychiatric Evaluations

  • Community members who don't feel safe or are in crisis, can visit Foothills Hospital's Emergency Department (ED) for a voluntary psychiatric evaluation, which are available 24/7.
  • Licensed professionals will complete a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation and ensure all people are referred to the appropriate level of care.
  • If a person is having an acute crisis due to a mental illness - and in imminent danger to self or others, or appears to be gravely disabled - the licensed professional will consult the psychiatrist and ED provider to determine whether a mental health hold is needed. A mental health hold is an involuntary hold that ensures a person who is in crisis is kept safe for up to 72 hours of treatment and evaluation.