Lynne A. Fernandez, MD


Lynne Fernandez, M.D., has more than 15 years of experience evaluating, directly treating, and managing the treatment of workers' compensation patients. Her broad knowledge base provides a clinical resource for all companies using Boulder Community Health's Occupational Health Services.

A board-certified specialist in physiatry (physical medicine), Dr. Fernandez has extensive training and expertise in treating musculoskeletal problems, helping patients control pain, and designing rehabilitation regimens. She directly treats patients with complicated medical issues, and consults with our other physicians when they need an experienced second opinion.

Dr. Fernandez is well-known among employers, attorneys and insurance adjusters in the workers' compensation field, and regularly performs Independent Medical Examinations and impairment ratings on patients from across Colorado.

She is readily available to meet with clients to discuss specific patients, general clinical issues, injury prevention strategies, and ways to contain costs through appropriate case management.

Dr. Fernandez is a medical advisor to Pinnacol Assurance, the state's largest provider of workers' compensation coverage. Her clinical credentials include:

Board-certification by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Level II accreditation from the Colorado Department of Labor, Member of the Colorado Division of Workers' Compensation Independent Medical Examiner panel, Member of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Medical degree from Howard University in Washington, D.C.

Affiliations Occupational Health
  • Medical School
  • Howard University Col. of Medicine
  • Residency
  • Metropolitan Hospital Center